Monday, November 19, 2012

The Question of The Zen School

 It has part of the come up in many emails to me in how Paul Lynch and the FMZO has in fact taken over the Zen School of Study. First I am an IT tech and go to school for it, so i went to the property settings and copied every part of the html coding as we do in formatting a site with the bearfootwithoutthought verification code that belongs to Paul Lynch. Now Paul states he has no money, but to make this sort of site cost big bucks and no one of his students are smart enough to do any of the depth of coding involved here to form this schools site. it was done by a IT  specialist and paid for out of his as he stated, no money having and being broke. now while i have sat and gone through the html coding of this site, there is no sign of it ever belonging to the IBMC, except the title coding of the name of the school. So this isn`t even the original online html coded site of the IBMC and a new html coding in place with information intertwined here and there. Where did the money come from for such a site, who paid who for the rights and where  does the money go in regards to the PayPal when you purchase a class and register? Where are these payments being routed to seeing PayPal has froze Pauls accounts for nonprofit fraud.
  However i do know that he does receive these fund personally in his own two greedy hands. everyone says he has done so much to help so many, he has not even done any street work for humanitarianism, nor any one of his centers in the FMZO, only focused on themselves and their growing little click of a kingdom, always worried about money. Paul ask us for money to pay for his living, and he does so quite well, live. Hell he even has a pool and told me to start getting into marrying people it`s good way to make money, that they do two or so a week. Paid in cash as dana, nice move if the dana was properly being used when we know it isn`t. People ask me why i got involved, well it was his contacting me via email one day out of the blue, i never liked his Order from the start back in 2010 when Foster was running the freak show there. but he wanted me to make his vestments for him and even sent me the specs to use seeing the man in China turned away from him. It cost me $83 USD to make and he sells them for $250 at my cost to him per unit $130, $6 less than the Chinese connection he had and a faster turn around. but the problem of PayPal loomed over head as he asked the community to help with the cost of nonprofit paperwork to show to PayPal, the state of even Nevada in sin city turned him down , now you must be in some shit if even they turn you away of all states, LOL. So we are left with many question on this school during a time when my Dharma sister as we sat down per-se and talked last night is in a 3 year retreat out of country and is in the dark and doesn`t  want to be involved with Paul at all and the FMZO. This is very strange to say the least. And to date Paul has not come forward on how he obtained the rights to this school, not to even mention his transmition as a teacher and his and how he obtained the label "DR." as he himself has not even finished this original school. From what i have pulled on him in this school to date is as followed:

Founding Teacher and Site Administrator.
Country: United States
City/town: Las Vegas, NV
Email address:
Web page:
Skype ID: dochongjdpsn
Courses: COM000 - Site Commons, ADM001 - Administration Commons, RET002 - National Fall/Winter Retreat, BHP121 - The Life of the Buddha , BPH122 - Foundational Buddhism , SUT323 - Diamond Sūtra, ARCHIVE-Q2-12-LIT302 - Basic Buddhist Ceremonies, ARCHIVE-Q2-12-BPH314 - Buddhist Precepts
First access: Wednesday, 31 August 2011, 05:24 PM (1 year 79 days)
Last access: Saturday, 17 November 2012, 05:44 AM (18 hours 29 mins)
Roles: Student,Administrator

  A little short here Paul i would say, where does this "DR." come into play here? thout ese are from the original school program as well. (1 year 79 days) ago you entered the school when the Ven. Chitta was in charge of it still before her 3 year retreat. There are IBMC brothers in place and still at temple. how does a Korean linage take control over a Vietnamese lineages school? These are questions put to me even by Sweeping Zen during a 40 min. interview I would say that i don`t trust at all.
  So the plot gets deeper as we un cover this amazing move by Paul Lynch and the FMZO. Maybe I will uncover-some truth in the html coding? Or maybe a statement from Paul himself on how he purchases the rights and did he pay for those rights in a legal way? I am going to inquire of where my funds did go when i speak next with with PayPal about my transaction and receive a tracking # and account funding name.

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